Sunday, July 24, 2016

Our Time Here is Almost Over 7/22

We had a WONDERFUL  and GLORIOUS day. We celebrated the feast of Mary Magdelan. Blessings go out to all of our mothers, wives and sisters. We love you and are thankful to all of you. 

After our morning prayer service we set off to meet the chief of the village of Lukulu. We had several days of preparation. Many people were preparing us for the proper way to address the chief. It involved a lot of clapping and bowing. We were warned of the unfortunate things that could happen if the ritual was not followed accurately. Needless to say we were a bit nervous, but mostly for Father Bob's safety. As we arrived at the palace we were shown in. Before we could enter we needed to bow as a group before the chief and then clap in thanks many times. After we entered and sat down we were greeted by the chief 's right hand man. He explained to us that the chief was not in town, but was pleased we were able to make it to visit the palace. We presented some gifts to the chief (who wasn't there) and then we were on our way. Leaving was as ritualistic as arriving. It certainly was an interesting experience. 

As soon as we were finished at the palace we headed back to the mission to get changed for our daily duties. Kendal and Scott finished up the mural on the basketball court. It looks fabulous. And the rest of the group headed over to the church for our final day. When we arrived at the church we were pleased to see so much progress had been made since we left the day before. The plaster was started on the walls. The wall behind the alter was nearly complete and it looked INCREDIBLE!  Different groups worked in different areas. Marie and Shomari played with the children. Andy and John bricked a final row across the top of the walls while the rest of the group assisted in handing up bricks, mixing concrete, or hauling sand. At one point while we were working, the head of the village gathered us out in front of the church. The whole village was also gathered around. They sang and danced for us in appreciation for everything we were doing for them. It was such a special moment. They gave us many gifts as thanks. The gifts included oranges, papaya and a rooster. Additionally Mr. and Mrs. Luhila (Kenneth's parents) gave us a beautiful basket filled with more papaya and a hen. We named the hen Extra Crispy and the Rooster Original Recipe. Afterward we presented them with a cross for their church, hand crafted by a parishioner from St. Agnes, Bill Cymbal. Thank you Bill, the people of Kalambwe are so grateful. 

Our evening was full of fun, food and laughter. We enjoyed a dinner at the Sister's house. As always, Sr. Pat, Sr. Elizabeth and Sr. Elaina were great hostesses. The food was fabulous and the laughter was plentiful. We enjoyed a game that John and Suzanne taught the group. Each person had to try to pick up a brown grocery bag up with their mouth and their hands behind the back, while standing on one foot. Who knew that a paper bag could be so much fun!  Joshua was the big winner!!! America - 1  Africa - 0. 

Another beautiful day in Lukulu, Africa. God is great. All the time!

Shout out Sheri Lake- Happy Birthday!  Shout out to Susan, from Jim. 

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